Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Cat Who Wasn't There

Title: The Cat Who Wasn't There
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Four Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Qwill returns home because of a personal problem. Soon, it's taken care of enough that Qwill decides to go on a trip with a tour group to Scotland... leaving the cats behind with his friend Mildred. But the leader of the trip dies. Qwill eventually goes home.
But Koko somehow knew of the leader's death, though he was in the other side of the world. And soon he has Qwill believing that it wasn't some heart condition, like the returned Dr. Melinda Goodwinter, who has been a pain lately for Qwill, says. It's murder... and while Qwill is trying to figure it out, the problem that made him come home from the mountains isn't gone, and is stalking around... and it may hurt him, or someone close to him...
Things may get dangerous...

Rockin' Review:
Okay, it wasn't that exciting. I got a little carried away with the summary, though there was enough to keep you coming back.
This was one of those really good Cat Who books. While you weren't suctioned into it all the time, it was enjoyable enough and good enough to have you coming back again and again. And I liked that, despite the back summary, most of that action happens in Moose County. It's nice, and it makes me feel comfy.
And I think that the two story lines were put together nicely. And Mrs. Braun even tied the two together at the end! Very nice! And she did a good job with both story lines throughout the book... even though they seemed like two separate things! Very nice again!
While there were some problems, and some average-enjoyment scenes, I think that this was a pretty good book.
All in all, this was a very good book!

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