Friday, August 31, 2012

The Cat Who Blew the Whistle

Title: The Cat Who Blew the Whistle
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Qwill and Co. ride a rebuilt old steam engine, fixed up by a rich man from Sawdust City. But then that same man disappears with millions of dollars belong to customers. But Qwill's thinks that things are off the wrong "track"... considering that the timing was way too close to the train's return run! And Koko is acting strange... so is Polly, who's over-worrying over her new house is causing her friends, especially Qwilleran, to feel uncomfortable and worried...
With the help of Koko and his "spy" Celia Robinson, who's moved up to Pickaxe, can Qwill figure out this new mystery?

Rockin' Summary:
This was a pretty good book. At first, it starts as an average book. It's four-Guitar material by the end, however. The story was pretty well-written, and the enjoyment level doesn't drop lower than average.
All in all, this is a good book, it just starts average and gets better near the end.

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