Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fundraising The Dead

Title: Fundraising The Dead
Author: Sheila Connolly
Rating: Three Guitars

Sizzilin’ Summary:
Nell Pratt is the fundraiser for the Pennsylvania Antiquarian Society, located in Philadelphia. She’s also dating the president, Charles. When a board member, Marty, complains of some letters missing from a collection she donated, Nell is unluckily chosen for the part. But Nell discovers that other items have been disappearing from the Society, and that could be bad news for the Society!
But when the one who tells Nell about the missing items ends up dead, things are going to get rolling… and some of them may be very bad…

Rockin’ Review:
Hmm… okay.
It was just that. Okay! The story was decently done, but it was only average enjoyment. It wasn’t good… but it wasn’t bad, either. There were some things interesting to read, however, like how the FBI handled a situation here. But, other than that… there was nothing to really catch my interest. It was simply an okay book. More of a time-waster than anything else!
This was only an okay book.

Fair warning to younger people:
There was another almost-you-know-what­ scene. Another blooper for the book! But, luckily, there was nothing. Just giving a warning to younger people and people who don’t handle (or want to) you-know-what scenes.

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