Saturday, August 25, 2012

Starfleet Academy: The Delta Anomaly

Title: Starfleet Academy: The Delta Anomaly
Author: Rick Barba
Rating: Four and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
After another long, hard week at Starfleet Academy, Kirk & friends are ready to relax and let loose steam. But a killer has returned after twenty years, and Kirk barely rescues an Orion girl from his clutches. The killer is known as "The Doctor", and he's got plenty of mystery surrounding him.
Commander Spock puts Uhura on the task of decoding the Doctor's language, and Dr. McCoy & Co. are trying to figure out the scientific mystery surrounding the Doctor and the mysterious substance he leaves behind on his victim, whether living or dead. Kirk's got a new girlfriend, and he's also dealing with Starfleet Academy work to boot. Add the danger of the Doctor onto that list, and things are not going to be fun.
Everyone has to work together, and fast, before the Doctor kills again...

Rockin' Review:
Very good book! There were some parts that were less enjoyable, but those were Four-Guitar material! Everything else was excellent! It was well-written, and highly enjoyable. It clung onto you, and Life sometimes had to rip you away from the book. And it was hard to leave.
The only real downer point was that the mystery of the Doctor was never completely solved. Yes, we found out part of the reason why he... um... they... the Doctor was there, and what Doc was. Was it the Borg? I highly doubt it, from what I know of the Borg. But it was just a major mystery, and it wasn't completely solved. Now, the way it was set up, it was supposed to be like that, so it wasn't a big downer point, and part of the mystery was solved, it's just my personal curiousity (sp?) jumping in.
All in all, however, this was a totally rockin' book! Get it if you find it!

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