Monday, April 16, 2012

Switching Gears

Title: Switching Gears
Author: Ryder Windham with Jason Fry
Rating: One and a Half Guitars

Rockin' Review:
I'm just skipping to the review. In the "About the Author" sections, it said that both of these author had done stuff in the Star Wars universe. And that's where they should have stayed!
This is an unusual report from me, since I'm a Transformers nut, but I'm not so in love to not like something! This book was only decently written.
This book takes place between Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon (the second and third Transformers live-action movies). I feel like that story has been told. And I had feelings of dread during parts of the book, and that's not good! I honestly considered leaving the book, I was so full of dread. To be fair, it was about average enjoyment when I was actually reading the book (reason for half-Guitar). That's never good! I so did not care for this book!
So if you find the first book of the Transformers Classified series, my advice is... don't even bother!

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