Title: The Mistmantle Chronicles: Book Four: Urchin and the Raven War
Author: M. I. McAllister
Rating: Four and a Half Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Things have been peaceful on Mistmantle Island. But one day, the swans of Swan Isle come to ask for help. Terrible ravens have come and seriously messed things up. King Crispin helps the swans get rid of the ravens...
But the ravens turn their attention to Mistmantle. A terrible war's about to rage. Can Urchin of the Riding Stars and his friends, along with some new faces (and not-so-new, but older faces), win the day? Or will the ravens defeat them all?
Rockin' Review:
The Mistmantle Chronicles have always been one of my favorite series. And this installment in the series was wonderful! It grips you, and you hate it when life makes you put it down. The head-hopping was cleverly done--most of the time, you could tell who you were hopping to. There was some confusing--some was just that I haven't read the series in the long time, and blanked on some of what happened (though that wasn't a major problem). There were some unexplained and confusing things at the very end. But, all in all, this was a great book.
If you find this book, get it! It's totally rockin'!
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