Monday, April 23, 2012

The Cat Who Went Underground

Title: The Cat Who Went Underground
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Qwill and his two cats head for Mooseville for a summer vacation. During that vacation, he decides to add on to the current cabin, and learns of underground builders (and an underground crawl space while dealing with the cabin's problems). But things are due to go awry, like it usually is with Qwill and Koko...

Rockin' Review:
This was not the Cat Who series's finest. It was mostly average throughout, with barely any excitement and/or mystery (there was some, however). Things picked up near the end, when Mrs. Braun actually started focusing on the mystery. She promised it, but never started focusing on the mystery until the last few chapters! Once we got there, however, the book went four-guitar. But most of it was average... it was well-written, but the enjoyment level was only average, however.
And I don't think I care for the change: Qwill now looking and making decisions on horoscopes! Part of it is honestly the fact that I'm a Christian, and believe that horoscopes are forbidden junk that tries to play God. It's mostly that, but you could usually rely on Qwilleran on being reasonable and not believing that junk. Koko is a different matter, however... his special abilities are part of the series, so Koko manages to get away with that. But at least Qwill still doesn't believe in UFOs... when are they going to come up with an explanation for the Moose Lake UFO stuff...?
So, all in all, this was only an average enjoyment-level, well-written book with a good ending. Not a book to get for a big banging mystery, but might be worth it if you're collecting the series or like books with really good endings. It's only a little better than average.

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