Sunday, April 8, 2012

Invid Invasion

Title: Invid Invasion
Author: Jack McKinney
Rating: Four Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
The Invid have invaded, and succeeded where others have failed... the Invid Queen Regis and her horde have taken over Earth and enslaved the population! Admiral Hunter has sent a rescue team to Earth to destroy the main hive--Reflex Point--and save the Earth!
But the Invid destroy the rescue team. Only Lieutenant Scott Bernard has survived, and he soon heads on a solo mission to Reflex Point to save the Earth. Soon, he has a small ragtag team of freedom fighters with him.
Will it be enough on this doomed and changed Earth...?

Rockin' Review:
Ah... back in the part of the Robotech series that I like! This was an enjoyable book, and answer a question or two that wasn't in the anime series. It didn't grip you totally (except for a scene or two in the end), but it was still a good book.
If you find this book, get it! It may not be rocking, but it's good!

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