Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Cat Who Knew A Cardinal

Title: The Cat Who Knew A Cardinal
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Four Guitar

Sizzilin' Summary:
Qwilleran has reconverted and moved into the giant barn, next to orchard, on his estate, and the cats are enjoying it... in fact, Koko is friends with a cardinal that he can see through the windows! But after a celebration of the Theatre Club, an unlikeable man by the name of Hilary VanBrook is found shot dead in Qwilleran's "parking lot"! And Qwill's friend Dennis is missing at the same time...
There's more to Hilary VanBrook and this murder than meets the eye, and Qwill and Koko are set to find out...

Rockin' Review:
Again, this one had a slower start. But it starts grabbing you near the end. The story was pretty well-done, and was enjoyable. The conclusion to the second mystery, however... hmm... could have been better.
All in all, however, this was a good book, it just takes time to get into it.

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