Friday, June 29, 2012

The Cat Who Lived High

Title: The Cat Who Lived High
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
An old friend calls from Down Below to ask Jim Qwilleran to help him save an old apartment building called the Casblanca and to restore it. But it's going to be a harder fight than Qwill thought. And the trio has gotten used to the country. Koko and Yum Yum are acting weird too.
To top it off, Koko has discovered a new mystery in the penthouse apartment they're living in...

Rockin' Review:
This is one of those books when the ending ruins a lot of it.
At first, this book is very good. It takes some time, but it eventually becomes a trap... Life has to force you away from the book! But the "subplot"... the non-mystery storyline... has a bad ending. It was bad ending. I know that real life is like that, but I did not care for it. The ending ruined it for me. It's still very good, and very well-written and mostly enjoyable. The ending was just a bad crasher.
This is not my fave Cat Who book, though it was mostly enjoyable and rockin'. The ending was just what ruined it for me, anyway.

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