Friday, June 22, 2012

Agatha H. And The Airship City

Title: Agatha H. And The Airship City
Authors: Phil & Kaja Foglio
Rating: Four and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Agatha Clay is a lab assistant at the Transylvania Polygnostic University. But her life goes completely topsy-turvy (sp?) when Baron Klaus Wulfenbach takes over her hometown of Beetleburg. Something happens that gets Agatha captured and brought aboard the tyrant's airship city, Castle Wulfenbach. There, she is to discover many things... and not all are safe...

Rockin' Review:
Okay, that's not my best summary when compared to the ton of stuff in the book, but that's a basic outline.
This was an extremely good book. It was wonderfully well-written, though I think that the cast is a little big. I lost track of what name belonged to who pretty commonly. And I saw the "Agatha-really-a-Heterodyne" bit from a long way off. Hey, the "H" in the title is a major pointer at it. And I have a good feeling that I've got an idea about her and the Other. There were some awkward and uncomfortable moments, so that's the reason for the lost half-Guitar. But most of the book was very good... especially near the end, when Life has to rip you from it.
This was a very rockin' book. You may have to brace yourself, but go ahead and get this book! It's rockin'!

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