Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Wizard of Earthsea

Title: A Wizard of Earthsea
Author: Ursula K. Guin
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Rockin' Review:
Ged may be a major hotshot in Earthsea now, but everyone has a back story. This book covers Ged's youth, where he learns of his power, and accidently releases a dangerous shadow. He has to come to terms with his fear and power, and stop the shadow before something dangerous happens. On the way, he has many adventures, but all comes to the shadow, made of something not of this world, but one of darkness...
Will Ged "Sparrowhawk" stop it?

Sizzilin' Summary:
My feelings on this one are complicated, but I'll do my best. It reads more like a history book, with some first-person scenes, so it's a different kind of read. I won't say it wasn't well written, because it was, but the story was a relaxing read, and not the greatest. The story wasn't bad, but it wasn't the greatest either. It was very good in some parts, not so great in others.
It was still very well-written, which is why it got the half-guitar. If you're into classics, get this book. But otherwise... I suggest reading the first chapter and making up your own mind. I'm honestly not sure what to say about this book.
Here's my best: it was well-written, but only an in-between story.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lord of the Clans

Title: Lord of the Clans
Author: Christie Golden
Rating: Five Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Thrall the orc was found as a baby and raised by a cruel human master. He learned different ways of the humans as a slave. Then he learned the true cruelty of his master while he was a gladiator. With the help of one human friend, Taretha (or Tari for short), Thrall escapes so he can find his people.
The orcs are kept in interment camps during this time, and Thrall is disgusted. He eventually finds his clan, and becomes a shaman. But then he helps to lead a war, with his eyes on revenge and rebuilding his broken race.
All the while, he shall be discovering his destiny...

Rockin' Review:
This was a great book! The characterizations were great, and it was fun to learn the background story of Thrall, (SPOILER ALERT) Warchief of the Horde! (SPOILER ALERT END). The story was extremely well-written and enjoyable, and the characters seemed almost real. Mrs. Golden did a great job on this book.
Even if you're not interested in WOW folklore, this is a great book to pick up, even just for the story! It's totally rockin'!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Centaur Aisle

Title: Centaur Aisle
Author: Piers Anthony
Rating: Four Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
When King Trent of Xanth goes to set a trading deal with a Mundania Kingdom, he leaves Dor to keep an eye on things for a week. And then two extra weeks pass... revealing that King Trent and the Queen must be in trouble! To make matters worse, there is a centaur Magician around too, with the possible political problem predictions because of this...
Along with his friends and the princess Irene, Dor goes off to find the Magician, and a way to rescue King Trent. Along the way, he will learn many things, as well as lessons in love.
But they learn that the only way to save King Trent and the Queen is to bring magic into Mundania, which is impossible!
Or is it...?

Rockin' Review:
Piers Anthony wrote a really good book. It was full of jokes, mainly puns, and yet had a good storyline and plenty of action. It leaned more toward the "relaxing" read. I enjoyed this book, and suggest it!

Monday, August 8, 2011


Title: Battlehymn
Author: Jack McKinney
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
The SDF-1 takes flight against orders in this one. Gloval is determined to get the citizens of Macross City back on Earth, even denying the United Earth Government! But a Zentraedi attack may change all that... and take out one of Rick's friends!
Then the SDF-1 is forced into space. Breetai makes a new plot, but is unaware of the rebellion within his own ranks. The three spies have returned, and other Zentraedi are more interested in the life of the "Micronians" (Earthlings). And the super-pilot Miriya is also planning deadly things for a certain Battleloid pilot... so much that she decided to on-ship as well!
Will everyone come out of this disaster alive?!?

Rockin' Review:
Apologies to everyone. This one was actually my fault. I just kept reading on Robotech books, and just got too much into "the flow" of the story, well... it started getting boring. It was still very good, and I still say read it, but I got too much into a flow. You'll be getting a different book for the next review.
Again, apologies to everyone.
If you find this book, still get it! That problem with not knowing whose eyes you're looking through got much better. It was a very-well written book, with a good story.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Title: Homecoming
Author: Jack McKinney
Rating: Four Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
The SDF-1 is finally back at Earth. But the Zentraedi are making lots of trouble under the Zentraedi leaders Azonia and Khyron. And that's not the only trouble that Captain Goval is facing. The world government is forcing the SDF-1 back into space... and they're not letting the citizens of Macross City go free! This causes major trouble.
And personal problems are also on the rise. Minmei's cousin Kyle has come to the SDF-1, and it's causing Rick problems, especially since Kyle doesn't like the military! And Lisa is fighting some internal conflicts of her own, both in her love life, and about her father, who is in the world government. And then there are the Zentraedi attacks...
Even with these problems, will all the main characters make it through intact... or even ALIVE?!?

Rockin' Review:
Relax, folks! The reason that this book lost a guitar isn't the reason that I warned about in the last book's review. The reason that this book lost a guitar is because it's what I call a relaxing read. Now, to be fair, it may be because I've read a bunch of them in a row, and I'm getting used to their "flow". I'm not sure, but it's a possibility.
Now, don't let that mess up anything! It was still a very highly enjoyable book, and the author fixed up that problem I mentioned about in the last book's review. The main-character visage problem was actually a bit better than the first one... he at least told you who he was switching to! It was very helpful, and a good thing.
If you find this third book in the Robotech series... I'm sure you know by now. Get it! It's still a rockin' book... hey, even relaxing reads can be totally cool, and that's the case here!