Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Cat Who Tailed A Thief

Title: The Cat Who Tailed A Thief
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Four and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Pickaxe has been hit by a string of small-time robberies. And this is around the time that the new banker William Carmichael and his wife Danielle moved in. But then the robberies become a little bigger when 2,000 dollars are stolen! A local boy is framed. The only good news seems to be a big project headed by Danielle's cousin, Cater Lee James.
But things are weird and questionable. And when that happens, Qwill, living in the Indian Village for the winter, gets to work. Koko is jumping in as well, but once again being hard to decipher...
Can Qwill and Koko tail the thief, and stop him or her once and for all?

Rockin' Review:
A very good book! Now, I can't say that it was five-Guitar material... the beginning didn't catch onto you. But the rest of the book sure did! It clung onto you, and it was very hard to leave. Life had to rip you away, and usually when there was a chapter break! There were times that leaving was possible, but you were soon re-attracted to it like metal to a magnet. It was very well-written, and highly enjoyable.
This was a rockin' book! If you find it, get it!!!

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