Monday, September 24, 2012

The Cat Who Sang for the Birds

Title: The Cat Who Sang for the Birds
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
Spring decided to spring early to Mouse County, but so did a new mystery... a weird case of vandalism that soon becomes a case of death. Qwill suspects foul play. He's also got a new closed gazebo, where he takes the cats to view a bird-garden. And Koko sings with and for the birds! But even with this new hobby, Koko will be trying to help solve this mystery, which is larger than one might think...
Will they be able to crack the case this time?

Rockin' Review:
Hmm... this was pretty much just an okay book. It was better than average, but not by much. You could stay in the book for long times, but Life didn't have much trouble getting you away from the book. The only exception is the end of the book, when you're reading just to get it over with. It was the last book in the cozy-reading challenge, however, so that helped with that streak.
The story needs tweaking. It was only an above-average book. It was a more relaxing read.
This was only a slightly-above-average book overall.

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