Title: Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants
Author: Rob MacGregor
Rating: Four Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Indy has landed a job at a college, and already a student's on his nerves. Her name is Deirdre Campbell, daughter of his boss!
Don't worry... this book doesn't all take place at college! It wouldn't be Indiana Jones! Indy joins Deirdre and her mom on a dig for a golden scroll... one that could prove the existence of Merlin!
But Indy and the Campbells aren't the only ones looking for the scroll! A power-hungry man is after the scroll as well, and is also concerned with Stonehenge...
And the Omphalos stone that Indy found at Delphi!
Rockin' Review:
This book was much better than its predecessor! Mr. MacGregor really managed to get up and going after the first book. Hey, sometimes folks need to take their first steps as well! But all's good now... it still didn't have the luster of the movie novels, but it's still a very good book to read.
So, if you see it, even if you just want to learn about Indy's past a bit, get this book!
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