Title: Gaal the Conqueror
Author: John White
Rating: Four and a Half Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
John's back in Anthropos, as well as his new friend Eleanor. Eleanor runs away from home, and when John and his dad follow her, they find an entry into Anthropos! John follows Eleanor into Anthropos, and into a new adventure.
Things have changed. The "humans", the Regenskind, are under a spell. Only Gaal, the mysterious Son of the High Emperor, can break the spell, which keeps people under the control of the Circle of Nine. Shagah, servant of the Lord Lunacy, is also making a ton of trouble... especially now, since John the Sword Bearer is supposed to lock him up!
With tons of magic, how can John and Eleanor hope to serve Gaal... especially when he's supposed to die?!?
Rockin' Review:
No doubt about it now. This series is Christian! This book just proves it. I'm not giving spoilers, though. Sorry!
Again, more of a relaxing read. But this is the second of the Archives of the Anthropos series, and I seem to have this "thing" about reading a bunch of books of the same series in the row, so that may be it. But this was still a very good book.
If yah find it, get it!
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