Title: A Wizard of Earthsea
Author: Ursula K. Guin
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars
Rockin' Review:
Ged may be a major hotshot in Earthsea now, but everyone has a back story. This book covers Ged's youth, where he learns of his power, and accidently releases a dangerous shadow. He has to come to terms with his fear and power, and stop the shadow before something dangerous happens. On the way, he has many adventures, but all comes to the shadow, made of something not of this world, but one of darkness...
Will Ged "Sparrowhawk" stop it?
Sizzilin' Summary:
My feelings on this one are complicated, but I'll do my best. It reads more like a history book, with some first-person scenes, so it's a different kind of read. I won't say it wasn't well written, because it was, but the story was a relaxing read, and not the greatest. The story wasn't bad, but it wasn't the greatest either. It was very good in some parts, not so great in others.
It was still very well-written, which is why it got the half-guitar. If you're into classics, get this book. But otherwise... I suggest reading the first chapter and making up your own mind. I'm honestly not sure what to say about this book.
Here's my best: it was well-written, but only an in-between story.
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