Title: Lord of the Clans
Author: Christie Golden
Rating: Five Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Thrall the orc was found as a baby and raised by a cruel human master. He learned different ways of the humans as a slave. Then he learned the true cruelty of his master while he was a gladiator. With the help of one human friend, Taretha (or Tari for short), Thrall escapes so he can find his people.
The orcs are kept in interment camps during this time, and Thrall is disgusted. He eventually finds his clan, and becomes a shaman. But then he helps to lead a war, with his eyes on revenge and rebuilding his broken race.
All the while, he shall be discovering his destiny...
Rockin' Review:
This was a great book! The characterizations were great, and it was fun to learn the background story of Thrall, (SPOILER ALERT) Warchief of the Horde! (SPOILER ALERT END). The story was extremely well-written and enjoyable, and the characters seemed almost real. Mrs. Golden did a great job on this book.
Even if you're not interested in WOW folklore, this is a great book to pick up, even just for the story! It's totally rockin'!
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