Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Cat Who Went Up the Creek

Title: The Cat Who Went Up the Creek
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
While Polly goes on vacation, Qwill & Co. go to stay at the Nutcracker Inn, run by his friends Lori and Nick Bamba, near Black Creek... the actual creek this time, not the town. But soon a dead body is found, and a new mystery arises.
Can Qwill figure out Koko's signals and actions, and the mystery?

Rockin' Review:
This was a pretty good book overall. It stuck more to the mystery element, thankfully. However, the enjoyment level never truly reached 5-Guitar level. It started out as a 4-Guitar, and it became a 3-Guitar near the end. However, it never totally stunk, however!
And it could have been written better. Some of the mystery-solving didn't make sense, and the explanation scene makes you feel like something didn't add up, though you can't quite put your finger on it. And the mystery of Walter didn't make much sense, and I didn't feel like it was resolved well. The whole mystery/sub-story of Polly's vacation didn't quite add up! I felt unsatisfied on both mysteries.
The rest of the book was pretty good, however. What Qwill did around the mysteries was good, and  the actual sluething (sp?) was good, it was just the ending that didn't feel quite so right... and there were things that could have been done better. This book is good for a relaxing read, especially near the end, but it's more of a time-waster than anything else.
All in all, this was a-little-above average book, and was never truly bad, it just needs a good deal of tweaking, and better solutions to mysteries and the rest of the Polly's Vacation parts of the book and story.

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