Monday, August 8, 2011


Title: Battlehymn
Author: Jack McKinney
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars

Sizzilin' Summary:
The SDF-1 takes flight against orders in this one. Gloval is determined to get the citizens of Macross City back on Earth, even denying the United Earth Government! But a Zentraedi attack may change all that... and take out one of Rick's friends!
Then the SDF-1 is forced into space. Breetai makes a new plot, but is unaware of the rebellion within his own ranks. The three spies have returned, and other Zentraedi are more interested in the life of the "Micronians" (Earthlings). And the super-pilot Miriya is also planning deadly things for a certain Battleloid pilot... so much that she decided to on-ship as well!
Will everyone come out of this disaster alive?!?

Rockin' Review:
Apologies to everyone. This one was actually my fault. I just kept reading on Robotech books, and just got too much into "the flow" of the story, well... it started getting boring. It was still very good, and I still say read it, but I got too much into a flow. You'll be getting a different book for the next review.
Again, apologies to everyone.
If you find this book, still get it! That problem with not knowing whose eyes you're looking through got much better. It was a very-well written book, with a good story.

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