Title: Cherub, a division of M15--Mission 6: Man VS. Beast
Author: Robert Muchamore
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Most animal protection groups stay nonviolent. But a new animal liberation group called the Animal Freedom Militia are getting dangerous beyond belief. They believe if both animals and humans are equal, it's OK for one human to die for many animals.
A man named Ryan, who led an animal protection group that was nonviolent, agrees to work with the British government if he can help stop the AFM. Zara agrees to help, and takes our three heroes, the Cherub agents James, his younger sister Lauren, and a friend named Kyle. Their mission: to get into the AFM and take it down.
They meet new friends, but James and Kyle get into a different group: the Animal Freedom Army. But this group is just as bad and dangerous. Can the agents save a famous person before he is killed by these crazy AFA people?
Rockin' Review:
All around, this was a good book. The story was well done, and the characters were well done... though the gay guys Kyle and Tom did some freakin' out stuff. Yeesh!
But this book had less spy stuff I like, like stooping out rooms for stuff. There was one close, but we didn't "see" what happened. That was not a good call.
And there were stuff relating to animals that freaked me out. I'm hoping it'll be gone from memory soon. If the author wanted us to feel freaked out about animals, and how humans sometimes treat them, he did a good job. Though I have no intention of going vegetarian! The stuff that freaked me out is why it didn't get the half guitar that would have made it a four-guitar.
Anyway, this is a pretty good book. Read it if you have time, but read all the other books in the Cherub series. It had been a while, and I had to rack my memories some. And make sure you got a good gut... there is some scary stuff in here!
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