Title: H.I.V.E.--The Higher Institute of Higher Education
Author: Mark Walden
Rating: Three Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Otto Malpense is only a teen, but he has already done amazing things. He has taken over the orphanage that is his home, and put the Prime Minister in a bad position. He is also extremely smart for his age, seeming to almost absorb knowledge from books.
These talents are what gets him kidnapped, and taken to H.I.V.E., a school meant for raising super-villains! Soon, Otto and his new friend, Wing Fanchu, and two girls plan their escape from H.I.V.E., which is against the rules, and dubbed impossible.
But even if their escape attempt fails, a new threat arises the night of the escape attempt: a monster plant that will destroy H.I.V.E. unless stopped!
Rockin' Review:
This book was okay. The beginning was okay, but you have to get past the first few chapters. Then there was a crazy drop. We were all ready for the escape attempt, and then (SPOILER ALERT!) it fails! Just when we were all ready for it to succeed, and were prepped for it to succeed, KA-BLAM!!! That was not a wise move. (Spoiler Alert OVER). But then things get quickly better when the monster-plant attacks. That, at least was smart. Get things rollin' fast after a sudden sour note. Good call on Walden there.
Then the end isn't wasn't what we expected, either. But Walden made it understandable, and we end up still liking Otto for his final choice. I also like how we got to know the main characters... though we might have gotten to know Wing, Nigel, and the girls a little better. But, all in all, the main characters were pretty good.
Sounds like the author was setting up a series, and spent too much time in that effort, and not enough telling or plotting this book