Title:Ninth Grade Slays
Author:Heather Brewer
Rating:Four Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Now the half-human Vlad has to go through high school! But while bullies are a problem, they aren't the big problem. A vampire slayer is after Vlad, and his uncle Otis is on the run from vampire law! Not to mention the fact that an old enemy is once again back, though it was believed he was killed! And there's a vampire thief on the loose, to boot... But not everything seems bad. Vlad enjoys a vacation to a vampire town in Russia with Otis, and meets an old friend of his dad's, as well gets vampire lessons. Plus, he finds a new friend in his best friend/drudge's cousin: Joss. But Vlad still has tons of trouble... especially when he learns of an old prophecy that relates to him!
Rockin' Review:
The second book of "The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod" series helps us see how the series is now really popular. It is a well-done book. Heather Brewer has done a good job doing what an author is supposed to do: make us have feelings that agree with the book. We feel surprised when the character is surprised, is hurt when he's hurt, and there was even a sad part where I almost cried! Brewer also did a good job hiding a secret of one of the major characters, giving me a shock as well as Vlad! But the story behind what this character knows and doesn't at times is confusing, even though it is "kind of" explained. All in all, I think this is a good book, and recommend it!
WOw, well thought out review. thanks.