Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Cat Who Talked To Ghosts

Title: The Cat Who Talked To Ghosts
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three Guitar

Sizzilin' Summary:
Qwilleran gets a desperate call for help from his former housekeeper Iris Cobb. But when he gets to Mrs. Cobb's home, a farmhouse turned museum, he finds her dead! It seems that she was frightened to death, but the circumstances are suspicious...
Qwill agrees to move into the museum until a new manager can be found. But Koko starts acting strange. There are rumors of a ghost living there. But is it really a ghost freaking Koko out, or is it a mystery...?

Rockin' Review:
Okay, after The Cat Who Sniffed Glue, this was a bit of a disappointment. I expected at least a four-Guitar! I so didn't get that.
This book wasn't bad. It was well-written, and had average-level enjoyment. But there wasn't much mystery attention. It was more like seeing into the life of Qwill, which makes for more of a relaxing read. And there was at least one thing that ticked me off... one thing seemed like an answer, but then it turned out to be something else! The new answer made sense, but it was still annoying!
So this book made a good relaxing read. But it wasn't bad, nor was it great. It was a good relaxing read, and that was that.
This book was neither good nor bad, but a good relaxer-read (though there is some excitement, to warn you!).

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