Title: The Cat Who Turned On and Off
Author: Lilian Jackson Braun
Rating: Three and a Half Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Without meaning to, Qwilleran gets a new beat: doing a feature series on Junktown, an antique shop area. He was actually hoping for an illegal drug den. Qwill's never been crazy about antiques, but he ends up finding a new and much-needed apartment. But when he gets to Junktown, he discovers a murder mystery that no one wants to investigate.
But, of course, he and Koko will be looking about...
Rockin' Review:
This was a pretty good book. It was pretty well-done, but the enjoyment level was only about average most of the book. It started better near the end. You almost couldn't let it go until you found out "whodunit" and finish the action scene. There were also some glitches, but one near the end was honestly admitted as having no good explanation (nice move!). That's a good thing to do in writing books when you have no explanation... find a way to say you have no explanation. Though I suspect a certain Siamese in that incident...
This was a pretty good overall.
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