Title: Of Blood and Honor
Author: Chris Metzen
Rating: Four and a Half Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
The paladin Tirion Fordring had believed that the Orcs were mindless, cruel savages. But an act of honor and compassion from an old orc changes all that. A series of events then happens that will change Tirion's life forever... will his scared honor survive?
Rockin' Review:
One good book to another! This book was wonderfully written. As I said before, good authors make their audiences feel things. This is what happened to me. But I believe I felt all the right feelings. I felt fear and horror when Tirion's world fell apart. I felt relief when he held his honor and did the right thing. This book kept me stuck, and when life forced me to put the book down, I didn't want to.
Some of you might ask, "Then why isn't this a five-guitar?" The answer, put simply, is that the ending could have been done a lot better. We never truly found out if Tirion had a happy ending. There was a slight hint, but that answer was never truly answered. That ending was what cost this book a half-guitar.
Despite that, this was an extremely good book. True, it was short, but who cares? This book was rockin', even with that ending problem. Get this book, especially when you want that extremely good little book!
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