Title: Cat Trick
Author: Sofie Kelly
Rating: Four Guitars
Sizzilin' Summary:
Fall is back once more! Mayville Heights is prepping to put on a food tasting and art show in order to convince the big Chicago company Legacy Tours to make a fall tourist package for them. However, the murder of Mike Glazer, the ex-Mayville-Heights resident and Legacy Tours partner, is found dead in one of the tents!
Though it was technically one of the cats that found the body, Kathleen is the one to put in the call. She wants to stand back for once and let her "boyfriend" (too strong a word, but there's not really a word to describe their relationship). But when her friend asks her to solve the mystery, Kathleen ends up saying "yes".
But since Mike Glazer pretty much ticked everybody in town since his return, finding the killer is going to be difficult...
Rockin' Review:
Okay... not as good as the others. While there were parts that didn't let you go, the book could be left pretty easily at times. Plus, there is a story question that wasn't answered. Technically, it wasn't in the last book, but the question wasn't important in that one.
Now, the book wasn't bad, either. It was actually still very good. It was enjoyable. It just wasn't like the other books in the series.
All in all, while this wasn't as good as the other books in the series, it was still a good book!